Tyler Harper

What I can do for you?

I am a Full Stack Web and Mobile Developer. This means I have the knowledge and understanding to build a webpage, web-based application, or mobile application from beginning to end. I can help you by providing the skills to create the project your brand, business, or idea needs.

API Design

Does your application need to be able to hold or use data? Most applications and websites do. If you need a custom solution or just the ability to use data from somewhere else. I can help build an API (Application Programming Interface) to use that data.

Web Development

From the beginning stage of design to the ability to track and react to metrics and data to be as performant and rank in search with SEO (Search Engine Optimization). I can help you achieve a better search relevancy or create an entire custom web project.

App Development

Do you or your business have a great idea for an application you would like in the app store or play store. I can help you get your app to market. Using React Native I can save you time and money by building both an android and IOS application in one codebase. This makes it more affordable for you in the long run.

Data driven ideas

It is usually hard to determine the extent of a project from a single perspective. Get an idea of what your project may need before getting to deep in one direction. I provide the experience I have to help you choose better development solutions before they become problems.

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Experience in what you need most

Have you been stuck in the design phase? Maybe you don't really know where to start. My road map for development can help get the ball moving in a direction you can see progress.

Fully customizable

Some things are good to be used again to make a cookie cutter solution. Other problems need a tailored solution that fits your specific need. The ability of abstract thinking can help you create solutions no one has thought of before. Giving you a push to be above the rest.

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